M and B Software Solutions, Staff Augmentation in Frederick, MD

(877) 540-5379

Business Men Shaking Hands

IT and Financial Business Consultations in Frederick, Maryland

M and B Software Solutions is your first choice for staff augmentation solutions. Solidifying your company's success starts with one of our customized financial business or IT consultations based in Frederick, Maryland.

Our Clients Include:

  • Wall Street and Financial (85%)
    - JP Morgan™
    - Citigroup™
    - BMP™
  • Health Care and Insurance (15%)
  • Government Entities
    - Department of Homeland Security
Group Consultation

Set up a Consultation

We provide in-person and email consultations in IT systems, including mainframes, servers, and .net technology, as well as project and business management. Hire our IT and financial business for the advice you need to improve your organization's success. Contact us today for one of our experienced consultants to respond within 24 hours.

Schedule an appointment with our professionals today to set up your first consultation.